5 secondi


In a society shaped by hyper-velocity, 5 secondi emerges from a video of the same duration, deconstructed into one hundred and twenty frames. At the core of this fleeting moment is a gesture: the fall of a bag filled with oranges, transforming into a catalyst for a radical reconfiguration of reality.

5 secondi, Installation view,
Fondazione Baruchello, Rome, 2025.

Photo by Alessia Calzecchi.


5 secondi
, 2024.
Digital print on paper Lunar Nexus Silver
330g, 120 pp., 41,5 x 29 cm. 


Di assurde evoluzioni
(Of absurd evolutions), 2024.
Acrylic on canvas, 168 x 237,5 x 3,5 cm.


Di vuoti e poi di luci
(Of voids and then of lights) ,
Acrylic on canvas, 168 x 237,5 x 3,5 cm.


Di questo parla il cielo
(This is what the sky is about), 2024.
Acrylic on canvas, 168 x 237,5 x 3,5 cm.

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